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Protected branches and merge requests

00:03 Boozang feature: Merge requests allows for centralized code review and controlled merging to the main branch.

00:43 Enabling protected branches for merge requests

01:24 Merging feature branches in Boozang

02:08 Unprotected feature branch can cause issues during merge requests

02:50 Default merge request message and approval process

03:27 Enabling self-approval in branch protection

04:02 Demonstrate successful merge request in Boozang feature

04:40 Protected branches restrict modifications by default

Protected Branches and Merge Requests in Boozang


Protected branches in Boozang ensure that critical branches like master or main are safeguarded against direct changes. Merge requests are a way to review, discuss, and safely integrate new changes from different branches into these protected branches.

Setting Up Protected Branches

Protecting a Branch

  1. Identify Critical Branches: Commonly, branches like master or release are protected.
  2. Enable Protection: In the branch settings, enable protection to prevent direct changes to these branches.

Configuring Protection Rules

  • Restrict Who Can Merge: Specify which users or roles have the authority to merge changes into the protected branch.
  • Require Code Reviews: Set up rules where merge requests must be reviewed and approved before merging.

Working with Merge Requests

Creating a Merge Request

  1. Complete Your Work: Finish the work in your feature or bug-fix branch.
  2. Commit Your Changes: Ensure all changes are committed.
  3. Create Merge Request: From your branch, create a merge request to the protected branch (e.g., master).

Review Process

  • Assign Reviewers: Select team members to review the merge request.
  • Discuss Changes: Use the merge request interface to discuss changes, request modifications, or give approvals.
  • Approve Merge: Once the merge request meets all criteria, it can be approved by authorized personnel.

Applying the Merge

Merging Changes

  1. Merge the Changes: After approval, merge the changes from the feature or bug-fix branch into the protected branch.
  2. Resolve Conflicts if Any: If there are merge conflicts, resolve them before completing the merge.

Post-Merge Steps

  • Verify Changes: Ensure the merged changes work as expected in the protected branch.
  • Close the Merge Request: After a successful merge, close the merge request to signify completion.

Best Practices

  • Regular Updates: Keep your feature or bug-fix branches regularly updated with the latest changes from the protected branch to minimize merge conflicts.
  • Clear Communication: Use the merge request platform for clear communication regarding changes, reviews, and approvals.


Protected branches and merge requests in Boozang are crucial for maintaining the integrity of critical branches and ensuring a collaborative and controlled approach to integrating new changes.