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An end-to-end example

00:02 Boozang now supports proper branching and merging with merge requests

01:28 Creating and managing feature branches

02:54 Creating and managing merge requests

04:23 Approving merge requests and creating merge requests with conflicts

05:48 Creating and merging branches in Boozang

07:19 Merging conflict resolution process

08:52 Merging feature branches and conflict resolution

10:28 Handling conflicts in a merge request

An end-to-end example


This guide provides a detailed example of using branches, commits, and merge requests in Boozang, with an emphasis on working with a protected master branch. This ensures a stable and controlled integration of changes.

Step 1: Initial Setup

Setting Up a Protected Master Branch

  • Protect the Master: In Boozang, configure the master branch as protected, restricting direct commits and merges to authorized personnel only.

Creating a Feature Branch

  1. Create a New Branch: From the master branch, create a new branch for your feature, e.g., feature-enhancement.
  2. Switch to Your Branch: Move to the feature-enhancement branch to begin development.

Step 2: Developing Your Feature

Implementing Changes

  1. Develop the Feature: Work on your feature in the feature-enhancement branch, making sure to save and test your progress.
  2. Commit Changes: Commit your changes with clear, descriptive commit messages, e.g., Added new UI test cases.

Step 3: Preparing for Integration

Syncing with Master

  1. Pull Latest Changes: Regularly pull and merge the latest changes from the protected master branch to your feature branch.
  2. Resolve Any Conflicts: If conflicts arise during the merge, resolve them promptly.

Finalizing Your Work

  • Last Commit: Once you are satisfied with your feature and it's fully tested, commit any final changes.

Step 4: Merge Request Process

Initiating a Merge Request

  1. Create a Merge Request: From your feature-enhancement branch, initiate a merge request towards the master branch.
  2. Document Your Request: Clearly describe the purpose and scope of your changes in the merge request.

Review and Discussion

  • Engage with Reviewers: Collaborate with assigned reviewers, responding to comments and making any necessary revisions.

Step 5: Completing the Merge

Final Approval and Merge

  1. Approval from Authorized Personnel: Wait for the approval from those authorized to merge into the master branch.
  2. Merge Your Changes: Once approved, the authorized person will merge your changes into the master branch.

Post-Merge Steps

  • Verify in Master: After the merge, test the changes in the master branch to ensure everything works as expected.
  • Close the Merge Request: Mark the merge request as completed.

Step 6: Post-Merge Clean-up

Cleaning Up Branches

  • Optional Branch Deletion: Consider deleting the feature-enhancement branch if it's no longer needed to keep the repository clean.


This workflow demonstrates how to effectively use branches, commits, and merge requests in Boozang, particularly with a protected master branch, to ensure high-quality and controlled updates to your project.