Cypress to Playwright Command Mapping (with Boozang Placeholder)
Navigation and Page Actions
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.visit(url) | cy.visit(url) | await page.goto(url) | Navigates to a URL. |
$script.go(direction) | cy.go(direction) | await page.goBack() / await page.goForward() | Navigates back or forward in browser history. |
$script.reload() | cy.reload() | await page.reload() | Reloads the current page. |
$script.viewport(width, height) | cy.viewport(width, height) | await page.setViewportSize({ width, height }) | Sets the browser viewport size. |
Element Selection
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.get(selector) | cy.get(selector) | await page.$(selector) / page.locator(selector) | Gets one or more DOM elements by selector. |
$script.contains(text) | cy.contains(text) | await page.locator('text=' + text) | Gets DOM elements containing the specified text. |
$script.find(selector) | cy.find(selector) | await elementHandle.$(selector) | Finds descendants of the DOM elements that match the selector. |
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$ | | await | Clicks on a DOM element. |
$script.type(selector, text) | cy.type(text) | await page.type(selector, text) | Types into a DOM element. |
$script.clear(selector) | cy.clear() | await page.fill(selector, '') | Clears the value of an input or textarea. |
$ | | await page.selectOption(selector, value) | Selects an option in a <select> element. |
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.should(assertion) | cy.should(assertion) | expect(locator).toHaveProperty('property', value) | Asserts that the element satisfies the given condition. |
$script.expect(subject) | cy.expect(subject) | expect(subject).toBe(value) | Asserts that the subject satisfies the condition. |
$script.and(assertion) | cy.and(assertion) | expect(locator).toHaveProperty('property', value) | Adds additional assertions. |
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.wait(time) | cy.wait(time) | await page.waitForTimeout(time) | Waits for a specified amount of time. |
$script.wait(alias) | cy.wait(alias) | await page.waitForResponse(route) | Waits for a route or request alias. |
Network Requests
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.server() | cy.server() | await page.route(url, handler) | Starts a server to begin routing responses. |
$script.route(url) | cy.route(url) | await page.route(url, handler) | Defines a route for a URL to intercept requests. |
$script.request(options) | cy.request(options) | await page.request(url, options) | Makes an HTTP request. |
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.fixture(filePath) | cy.fixture(filePath) | await page.addInitScript({ path: filePath }) | Loads a fixed set of data located in a file. |
Clock and Timers
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.clock() | cy.clock() | await page.context().newCDPSession(page) and await session.send('Animation.enable') | Controls the clock to test time-dependent code. |
$script.tick(time) | cy.tick(time) | await session.send('Animation.setPlaybackRate', { playbackRate: time }) | Moves time forward by a specified amount. |
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$ | | const alias = await page.$(selector) | Alias a DOM element or a route. |
$script.get(alias) | cy.get(alias) | await | Gets the element or route by alias. |
Custom Commands
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.add(name, callback) | Cypress.Commands.add(name, callback) | Extend Playwright's Page or Browser context by adding custom functions directly to the Playwright API objects. | Adds a custom command to Cypress. |
Handling Frames and Windows
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.frameLoaded() | cy.frameLoaded() | await page.frameLocator(selector) | Checks that a frame has loaded. |
$script.iframe() | cy.iframe() | await page.frameLocator(selector).frame() | Gets an iframe by selector. |
$script.window() | cy.window() | const [newPage] = await Promise.all([ page.waitForEvent('popup'), ]); | Accesses the window object. |
File Uploads
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.attachFile('input[type="file"]', filePath) | cy.get('input[type="file"]').attachFile(filePath) | await page.setInputFiles('input[type="file"]', filePath) | Sets files to upload for an input element. |
Screenshots and PDFs
Boozang Command | Cypress Command | Playwright Command | Description |
$script.screenshot() | cy.screenshot() | await page.screenshot({ path: 'screenshot.png' }) | Takes a screenshot of the page. |
$script.screenshot('filename') | cy.screenshot('filename') | await page.screenshot({ path: 'filename.png' }) | Takes a screenshot with a specified filename. |
$script.pdf() | cy.pdf() | await page.pdf({ path: 'document.pdf' }) | Generates a PDF of the page. |